Most Effective Strategies To Reach the Decision-Maker

Most Effective Strategies To Reach the Decision-Maker

Finding and acting on a sales lead is exciting for any salesperson. However, it doesn’t do you any good if you talk to the wrong person for that lead. Learning the most effective strategies to reach the decision-maker gives you a roadmap that avoids the dead ends.

Follow the Organizational Hierarchy

Understanding a company’s hierarchy is easier than ever with the internet and social media. Browsing a company’s website and LinkedIn page paints a good picture of who oversees the decision-making. At the very least, you will learn the hurdles you must overcome to reach the person in charge.

If the company is public, it’s a breeze to find the decision-maker by looking at their 10-K filing. Your expert sleuthing skills can find the answers even if it’s a private company. Assuming they are active on LinkedIn, you can sift through the employees and narrow down the decision-maker by answering these two questions:

How Long Have They Worked for the Company?

Restructuring in a company is a regular occurrence. Therefore, a VP approaching their third month on the job may not have the same pull as someone a few rungs below the theoretical ladder who’s been a loyal employee for 15 years.

What Are Their Accolades?

This employee’s credentials illustrate that they have expansive knowledge and experience within their company. Even if they aren’t the final decision-maker, the odds are they advise the decision-maker and their influence matters.

Prepare Your Approach

With a general understanding of how your prospective client operates, you can plan your approach. The two strategies you can employ are top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top.


For this strategy, you will begin at the top of the organization chart and try to land the big fish from the get-go. You might get lucky and find the decision-maker immediately, proving your sleuthing worked. If you initially strike out, the person you contacted can direct you to the right people.

Regardless of when you reach the decision-maker, you must have your pitch rearing and ready to go. You need to tailor an approach that entices and makes them feel like it’s their lucky day you contacted them. 

You don’t want to seem weak or vague on what you are selling because that’s highly suspicious. Instead, exude confidence and be assertive during your pitch. You should explain how you can improve their business thoroughly. You don’t want them thinking that they’re wasting their time taking this call.


Bottom-up strategies start from the lower levels of the company so that you may reach those higher up the chain. This may be effective when selling to sales representatives. If you can demonstrate how your product makes the sales representative’s life simpler, you’ll have a legion of reps who go to their superior on your account.

Lower-level sales reps are often more than happy to provide you with the decision-maker’s contact information. Many people opt for this strategy, considering you might run into many roadblocks when you start at the top.

Engage With Their Content

A quick way for someone to notice you is if you engage with their content. Commenting or liking posts on social media allows folks within the company to recognize your name before contacting them. Establishing your credibility beforehand could give you a leg up on the competition. Additionally, learning what a decision-maker enjoys outside of work allows you to develop rapport. Nobody likes to talk strictly about business all day.

Impressing the Gatekeeper

Dana Barrett may not be protecting Zuul in Ghostbusters, but you still must schmooze the gatekeeper at a company if you want to get anywhere. View the gatekeeper as an ally instead of a foe. Typically, the gatekeeper is a pleasant person who is doing their job keeping solicitors at bay.

If you come off as cold and rude, the gatekeeper will undoubtedly cut you off by hanging up the phone. Hence, be personable, warm, and calm when speaking with them. Additionally, prepare to answer any questions they may throw your way. Stumbling over your words regarding why you are calling is a quick way to kill a sale.

Make Voicemails Count

One of three things will happen after leaving a voicemail: they ignore it, they delete it without listening, or they respond. It’s crucial to avoid the first two resolutions, and instead hope they call back.

For many, getting the voicemail stops them dead in their tracks. You were hoping and expecting them to answer the phone, but an elite salesperson sees the voicemail as another opportunity to pitch their product.

One positive component of a voicemail is that you can talk uninterrupted. No one can interject your spiel by asking a question, throwing you off your game. Once you begin your message, you’ll want to state your name, company, and reason for the call. Keep in mind that if the recipient senses you are trying to sell something, they will delete the message before listening to the rest of it.

That’s why it’s imperative to make a point of contact prior to calling. You now have a reference point for the reason why you’re calling. Address them first before introducing yourself. Here is a simple script to follow:

“Good morning, (their name). I am (your name), and I was hoping to speak with you today about (what the purpose of your call is). Please call me back at (your number) at your convenience. The best time to reach me is (your availability). I look forward to hearing from you, and I hope you have a wonderful day.”

Winners Give Extra Effort

At times, B2B selling feels like a calculated profession. It’s easy to look at the name of the company you are calling rather than the person making the decision. Going the extra mile shows prospects you are willing to do whatever you can to help, making it easier for them to give you a “yes.” A decision-maker hears several pitches every day, so you can stand out from the crowd by emphasizing sincerity.

Know When To Call It Quits

If you’ve completed every step of the way and are still on a one-way road to a dead end, it makes logical sense to throw in the towel. Knowing the right time to quit is a valuable lesson in sales.

There are only so many hours in a day, and wasting multiple on your white whale is counterintuitive. Every person or company has its breaking point, so you can generally close shop after seven attempts. Although you are moving on without the sale, you may realize what works well and what doesn’t along the way, preparing you for your next catch.

Comprehending the most effective strategies to reach the decision-maker will bring your sales game to the next level. Racket Reps’ outsourced SDR services are full of next-level sales professionals that can push your company in the right direction. We have demonstrated our expertise for over three decades with a 70 percent faster sales growth and 40 percent increase in close sales. Contact us today for the best sales professionals for your company.

Most Effective Strategies To Reach the Decision-Maker