Why Turning a “No” Into a “Yes” Is a Sales Art Form
Sales is an occupation that comes with a lot of rejection. Turning a “no” into a “yes” is an art form that separates you from the crowd, making you an expert in the trade. Even the best salesperson in the world strikes out occasionally.
Roll With the Punches
The word “no” has such a negative connotation, but it’s a word that most salespeople will hear daily. If you work in this field, you’re inevitably going to hear it sooner rather than later. But as hockey legend Wayne Gretzky (or Michael Scott from The Office) proclaimed, “You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.”
You’re not going to go 100/100 on all your sales cold calls. Plus, the more “noes” you get, the more you will learn from the experience to receive “yeses” in the future. So it’s paramount to roll with the punches and don’t think of yourself as a failure.
Rephrasing the Questions
Making additional cold calls isn’t the only approach to changing a “no” into a “yes.” One method is to use the answer “no” in your favor. Admittedly, it’s simpler to say no than yes for most things.
For instance, you may ask questions where no is excellent news, such as, “Would you be opposed to increasing your revenue this quarter?” Getting a no to that question is good because they want to make more money, and you can help.
Repeat What the Prospects Say
Prospecting clients may not always mean what they say, and they may attempt to get out of the discussion. By repeating the last few words they spoke, you indicate that you’re paying attention. Furthermore, you are allowing them to recognize on their own that their objection may be incorrect.
It’s shocking how successful the concept known as mirroring can be, specifically if you can stay quiet while the possibility opens. Pay careful attention to what they’re saying if this occurs. They’ll almost certainly tell you all that you need to know.
Ask Questions
Turning a “no” into a “yes” essentially boils down to recognizing the prospect’s real issue and responding respectably.
If they give you a “no,” try to figure out why the prospect is feeling that way so that you can provide a solution. Perhaps the time is incorrect, or they misinterpreted some facet of your business. In any event, delving further into a “no” can steer you in the right direction.
Build Rapport
Another approach to looking at “no” is a chance for prospects to lower their defenses and be honest with you. You’ll never receive a yes if your prospects hang up immediately.
Strangers distrust salespeople, so try to talk openly rather than depending on pleasantries. The more rapport you build in that short amount of time may garner enough trust to rethink their stance on the proposal.
You’ll learn the art form of turning a “no” into a “yes” with the more sales experience you gain. If your sales team is struggling with this process, turn to Racket Reps for our outsourced cold calling services. With over three decades of experience, we are confident in getting the “yeses” you desire for your business.